

India's vibrant tapestry of crops holds stories of farmers' dedication and nature's challenges. This page empowers you to understand these vital harvests, identify threats like disease, and learn prevention methods. Together, let's celebrate the bounty of India's agriculture and safeguard its future, one informed step at a time.


1. Blast

Identification: Diamond-shaped lesions on leaves, panicles, and grains. Lesions may have gray centers.

Prevention: Opt for resistant varieties like IR64, practice crop rotation with non-host crops, maintain proper water management, and ensure balanced fertilization.

2. Sheath Blight

Identification: Water-soaked lesions on leaf sheaths, often leading to a blighting effect.

Prevention: Choose resistant varieties such as Pusa 6-4, practice crop rotation, and manage water effectively to reduce humidity.

3. Brown Spot

Identification: Small, dark brown spots with yellow halos on leaves, primarily on the lower parts of the plant.

Prevention: Select resistant varieties like MTU 1010, implement crop rotation, and provide balanced fertilization.


1. Rusts (stem rust, leaf rust, stripe rust)

Identification: Reddish-brown pustules on leaves, stems, and grains, causing a 'rusty' appearance.

Prevention: Choose resistant varieties like HD 2967, sow timely to avoid disease peaks, and use fungicides during critical growth stages.

2. Karnal Bunt

Identification: Black spores on mature wheat grains, leading to a foul smell.

Prevention: Practice timely sowing, use resistant varieties, and treat seeds with fungicides before planting.


1. Downy Mildew

Identification: Yellow streaks on the upper surface of leaves, accompanied by a downy growth on the lower surface.

Prevention: Rotate crops with non-cereal plants, choose hybrids with inherent resistance, and maintain proper plant spacing.

2. Rust

Identification: Orange-brown pustules on leaves and stems, causing a rust-like appearance.

Prevention: Opt for hybrids with resistance, practice crop rotation, and ensure adequate plant spacing.

3. Stalk Rot

Identification: Soft and rotted lower stalks, often leading to lodging.

Prevention: Implement proper plant spacing, avoid excessive nitrogen application, and rotate crops to break disease cycles.


1. Red Rot

Identification: Red discoloration of internodes and leaf sheaths, weakening the plant structure.

Prevention: Use disease-free planting material, maintain field sanitation by removing infected plants, and choose resistant varieties.

2. Smut

Identification: Whip-like structures ('whips') emerging from infected buds, affecting the overall yield.

Prevention: Use disease-free planting material and practice field sanitation by removing and destroying infected crops.

3. Rust

Identification: Rust-colored lesions on leaves, causing reduced photosynthetic activity.

Prevention: Choose resistant varieties, maintain proper field sanitation, and employ cultural practices to reduce humidity.


1. Loose Smut

Identification: Black smut covering barley heads, causing a reduction in grain quality.

Prevention: Treat seeds with systemic fungicides before sowing, choose resistant varieties like BH 75, and ensure proper plant spacing.

2. Powdery Mildew

Identification: White powdery growth on leaves, hindering photosynthesis.

Prevention: Choose resistant varieties like PL 480, maintain proper spacing for air circulation, and apply fungicides when necessary.

3. Spot Blotch

Identification: Dark brown lesions with yellow margins on leaves, affecting overall plant health.

Prevention: Opt for resistant varieties, practice crop rotation, and provide balanced nutrition to enhance plant resistance.